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TRANSCRIPT: #100: Is Selling An Online Course On Auto-Pilot Right For You?

Are you selling your online course the wrong way? Well, maybe.  I know that may come as a surprise to those of you who know me as someone who firmly believes that there is MORE than one right way to do something – but, my recent DM conversations have made it clear to me that in fact many of you are selling your online course the wrong way…for YOU. And running a business doing things that are not in line with your desired outcome is a recipe for burnout.Today, you’ll discover if selling an online course on auto-pilot is right…...

TRANSCRIPT: #093: 3 Strategic Moves to Increase Your Online Course Revenue

Are you on track to meet that big revenue goal that you set for yourself earlier this year? Or are you ON TRACK to meet your revenue goal, but you have a secret stretch goal that you’d LOVE to hit? If your answer is YES, then you’re going to love today’s episode. The year is going by fast, but it’s not over yet and there’s STILL TIME to reach your goals – or even blow right past them. Today I’m sharing 3 strategic moves that I’ve used in my own business to rapidly increase revenue. The best part about these…...