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#127: Why Your Evergreen Funnel Stopped Working

Does this sound like you? You’ve created an evergreen funnel for your online course in the past, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t get it to convert the way you’d hoped. Or maybe your evergreen funnel was going great in the beginning - until your results started getting worse and worse overtime. Worst of all, maybe you’ve seen other course creators talk about their success with an evergreen funnel and you’re starting to believe that same kind of success just isn’t possible for you or that your audience won’t purchase without a big launch. If you…...

#120: The #1 Way to Double Your Course Sales In 30 Days

Have you been searching for new ways to bring in more attention to your business and increase your online course sales? And even better - how about a method that doesn’t require you to spend a dime on paid advertising? 👀 Well grab a pen and paper because in this week’s brand new podcast episode, I’m spilling The #1 Way to Double Your Course Sales In 30 Days. It took me YEARS to figure out this super simple strategy that has the power to completely change the game for you… And yes, I’m talking ‘double your course sales over the…...