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TRANSCRIPT: #127: Why Your Evergreen Funnel Stopped Working

Have you created an evergreen funnel in the past, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t get it to convert the way you wanted it to?  Or maybe everything started out great but it just got worse and worse overtime? Perhaps you’ve started telling yourself things like, “maybe my audience just won’t buy without a big launch”. Even though you hate launching, you are beginning to believe it’s the ONLY way to get people to buy your course. The hard truth is that if people aren’t buying your course inside your funnel, it has nothing to do…...

TRANSCRIPT: #120: The #1 Way to Double Your Course Sales In 30 Days

It took me YEARS to figure out a super simple strategy that has the power to double your course sales over the next 30 days and I’m sharing it with you today. And let me tell you, it has the power to completely change the game for you, bringing in more attention and more sales to your business WITHOUT having to spend a dime on paid advertising. So, grab a pen and paper or save this episode because you’re going to want to listen to it again and again. My name is Caitlin Bacher, CEO of Scale With Success®, and…...