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TRANSCRIPT: #114: 3 Costly Mistakes I Made Selling My Course On Auto-Pilot

It wasn’t until I quit launching and started selling my course on auto-pilot that I was finally able to cross the million dollar mark. I tried launching for years, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get close to meeting my big revenue goals. Once I made the switch to selling on auto-pilot everything changed. My audience grew, my sales increased, and most importantly I was building a business that was sustainable. If your business is generating less than $1m/year then the #1 thing you need to be focused on is how to generate consistent revenue.  Once you…...

TRANSCRIPT: #107: Stop Apologizing for This in Your Online Course Business

Growing up, I felt like I had a lot to apologize for…I was too big, too small, too loud, too quiet, too aggressive, not assertive enough and it wasn’t really until my late 30s that I finally felt like – screw it, I’m done apologizing – and it’s no surprise to me now that THAT was the time when my business finally began to see tremendous growth. If you are someone who has ever struggled with feeling like you’re “doing it wrong”, you’ll find today’s episode shows you that you are not alone and you can move past it. Today…...