Can you imagine what it would feel like to sell multiple copies of your online course day after day – without EVER having to launch again?
Selling your course every day isn’t rocket science – but, it sure can feel that way…especially if you’ve never done it before.
So, today I’m sharing 3 simple types of content you can use to sell your course every day – no launching required.
If consistent sales on repeat is something that’s been on your vision board for awhile, then make sure to listen to today’s episode all the way through because I think you’ll be surprised at just how SIMPLE it really can be.
My name is Caitlin Bacher, CEO of Scale With Success®, and I’m on a mission to help course creators all over the world grow their business in a way that is profitable and scalable. I’m sharing revealing insights about what it really takes to scale an online course business to millions of dollars per year. Join me here to discover the tough decisions I’ve had to make, the biggest failures I’ve had to bounce back from, and the learnings that emerged every step of the way. I’m so grateful that I have the chance to tell you everything right here on Scale With Success®: The Podcast. Let’s get started.
Today I’m sharing 3 simple content ideas you can use to sell your course every day without launching.
The key to making daily sales consistently is to have a high-converting sales mechanism. So, you create content that drives traffic to your sales mechanism, and that sales mechanism turns your lead into a customer.
One example of a sales mechanism is a sales call – which I personally don’t recommend. The reason is because they’re incredibly time consuming and as you grow, you’ll eventually have to hire and manage a big sales team – which is really expensive to do.
Another example of a sales mechanism is an automated webinar, which CAN be great but ONLY if you have the right content inside the automated webinar. Most people are just trying to repurpose a live webinar into an automated webinar, which is a huge mistake.
Sure, that might get you a sale or two, but if you’re looking to generate $10k or $100k months consistently, you need to make sure that you are using content frameworks specifically created to perform well on auto-pilot. Simply put, what works well live doesn’t work well on auto-pilot to reach high-revenue numbers.
The sales mechanism I do recommend creating is the one we teach inside our Accelerator program and we call it a Profitable Sales Engine™ – which is kinda like an automated webinar on steroids. Whether or not you’ve done a live webinar or even sold your course before doesn’t matter because our system is set up to help you build momentum over time.
The best part of having a high-converting sales mechanism is that you DON’T need a lot of traffic or a big audience. But, you will need SOME traffic.
So, the big question is HOW??
Today I’m sharing three content ideas you can use to start growing your audience AND send traffic directly to your Profitable Sales Engine™ (or whatever sales mechanism you decide to use).
1. Short Form Content
- Short form content is typically 60 sec or less, and if done correctly, is incredibly effective at attracting people who are struggling with a specific problem that your course can solve. This type of content lets people know that you help others just like them and when you include a call to action that sends people to your sales mechanism, they’re able to quickly sign up and are likely to attend your sales presentation because they got value from your short content and trust that your presentation will dive even deeper.
- One of the simplest ways to create this kind of content is what’s called a “talking head” video. It’s basically just you talking about something specific – maybe a myth or mistake related to the problem that your course helps people solve – and then you conclude by inviting them to register for the free presentation inside your Profitable Sales Engine™. To create short form content that drives traffic to your sales mechanism, you don’t need any fancy software and can edit inside whatever social platform you’re using. If you want to get fancy, there’s definitely software you can use, but it’s not required.
- The great thing about creating content like this is that it’s super bingeable. Someone will find one short video and then watch a ton more – increasing their ability to know, like, and trust you. You can also take the points you made in your short video and repurpose them into a carousel post or even a static quote to make the work you did to create your video go even further.
2. Long Form Content
- Long form content is typically 7 mins or more and is an excellent way to nurture people who find you through your short form content. What I mean by that is someone might watch your short form content and maybe they’re not ready to sign up for the free presentation inside your Profitable Sales Engine™, but they’re curious to hear more about your perspective on things. So listening to one your 10 minute podcast episodes, videos, or even reading a blog post can increase their excitement for registering for your free presentation and not only will this kind of content increase your attendance rate, it will also increase your watch rate – which means more people will stick around to the end – which means more people will see your offer and ultimately enroll.
- A simple way to create this type of content is to take one of your popular short form pieces of content and expand upon it. You can do this by adding in more context, stories, and examples. At the end, you can invite people to sign up for your free training. If you’re new to creating long form content, it can feel overwhelming. So, my advice is to just keep it simple. Create an outline of what you want to talk about: an intro, 3 talking points, and a conclusion. Then use it to deliver a livestream. I mean there is literally no tech required to do that. You might feel a little bit awkward at the beginning, but the more you do it, the better you’ll get. The point is NOT to overcomplicate things to the point where you work yourself up and don’t even take the first step in the first place.
- If someone listens to you for over 7 minutes straight, they are MUCH more likely to feel connected to you. When you create this kind of long form content, you can use the outline to create a 7 min+ video, you can take the audio and turn it into a podcast or take the script and turn it into a blog post.
3. Guest Star Content
- If you’re looking to grow your audience quickly one of the best ways to do that is by creating Guest Star Content. This could look like you being interviewed on someone’s podcast, writing a guest post on their blog, or co-hosting a live stream. The reason this is so effective is because the person who has an audience that already knows, likes, and trusts them is vouching for you. They’re giving you their stamp of approval in front of their entire audience. That’s a big deal. This works best with long form content because it’s more valuable for their audience and they have more time to get to know you.
- A simple way to do this is to just start by making a list of people who you think have an audience that would benefit from what you have to say. Once you have the list, you can start reaching out to them. They don’t care about how big YOUR audience is, they just care about whether or not their audience will find what you have to say valuable. There are tons of free communities out there where people are looking for guests on their podcasts, blogs, and livestreams. It can feel a little awkward when you first start pitching yourself to others, but one thing that helps me is to shift the focus of why you’re doing it from “will they like me?” to “how can I help?”. This helps you stop thinking about all the things you feel self-conscious about and back to the main thing: how you’re going to help others.
- So, not only are you being introduced to a new audience and not only do you have that person vouching for you, but since you’re delivering long form content and inviting people to your free presentation afterwards…all those new people are likely to attend, watch the entire presentation, and eventually enroll.
The reason short form, long form and guest star content is so profitable is because you’re intentionally getting someone’s attention and guiding them towards signing up for your Profitable Sales Engine™ where they can learn even more about you, your method and enroll in your program…all without launching.
To recap, if you’re looking to sell your course every day without launching, here are three simple content ideas you can use:
1. Short form content that attracts people who are actively experiencing problems that your course can solve.
2. Long form content that builds a deeper connection and understanding between your audience and you.
3. Guest star content that gets you in front of new audiences who already know, like, and trust the person who’s introducing you.
I appreciate you being here and make sure to tune in next time for another episode of Scale With Success® The Podcast.
Are you sick and tired of launching and looking for a proven method to generate consistent revenue from your online course on auto-pilot?
Sign up for my free masterclass, “How To Generate Launch-Sized Revenue Without Launching” and I’ll show you how our clients are making MORE money in LESS time than they ever did while launching.
If making sales everyday in a way that is completely automated and doesn’t require paid advertising sounds good to you, then click the link around this episode and sign up for my free masterclass today.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Scale With Success® Accelerator — an online course designed to help you generate launch-sized revenue without lanching. If you want to learn MORE about our proven method for success, click here to watch my free masterclass. See you in there!