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TRANSCRIPT: #110: Top 5 Things I Learned (The Hard Way) This Year

If your business journey has been anything like mine, then you had some high highs and some low lows. This year, 2023 marks my ninth year of selling online courses and I learned (and re-learned) a lot. I’m so very proud of everything that my team and I accomplished together. We had tough conversations, made difficult decisions, and came out the other side better for it. Today, I’m sharing 5 of the most impactful things I learned (and in some cases RE-learned) this year. So, let’s get into it. My name is Caitlin Bacher, CEO of Scale With Success®, and…...

TRANSCRIPT: #103: How to Reframe Your Relationship With Goals In Your Business

I’ve always been a goal oriented person, but a while ago I found myself in a place where I was becoming a bit obsessed with achieving my goals. Now, I didn’t REALIZE I had an unhealthy obsession with achieving my goals and anytime I read something that suggested otherwise – I thought they were flat out wrong. I’d purposely seek out books, coaches, and social media accounts that shared my obsession and reinforced my beliefs. Over the last year in particular I’ve experienced an intentional shift in my relationship with goals and have begun to detangle my self-worth from whether…...