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#102: How To Unlock A Growth Mindset And Build Your Business

I have a confession to make. 🤫 When I first started my business, it felt like I would beat myself up over every little mistake. Naturally, this made it very hard for me to move forward or make significant progress towards my business goals. That’s why today’s brand new podcast episode is all about How To Unlock A Growth Mindset So You Can Build Your Business. Because let’s face it: your mindset can make or break you as an entrepreneur. During this time it felt like I was moving in slow motion - weighed down by loads of guilt, shame,…...

TRANSCRIPT: #099: 3 Reasons Your Course Isn’t Selling On Auto-Pilot…Yet!

Are you struggling to sell your online course right now? Does it feel like all your “go to” strategies stopped working? I know exactly what it feels like to open enrollment for your online course to the sound of nothing but your own heavy breathing, staring at your paypal notifications, and hoping for a cascade of “dings” that never come. Well, the good news is that online course sales are up for most people right now – which means there’s never been a better time to grow your course business. It also means that if YOUR course isn’t selling, it…...