Do you obsess over every single thing you post inside your Facebook group? Do you procrastinate when it comes to creating social media content because you’re worried it might not be good enough? Are you terrified of live video because you think everyone will laugh at you?
Well, stop it!
In this video, you’ll learn three incredibly powerful mindset shifts that will help your inner-perfectionist take a knee, so you can actually get shit done. Let’s get started!
Whether you’re trying to start, grow, or scale your existing business…I know how frustrating it can be when you feel like the results aren’t happening fast enough.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to someone who seems like they have it all figured out.
The good news is you DO NOT need to be perfect in order to succeed in business.
Perfection is NOT a prerequisite for success.
You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to take action.
Let’s say you want to go live in your group.
If you worry about whether you have the right camera, the right backdrop, and the perfect script…
…you’re setting yourself up for failure.
You’ll spend all your time researching and watching what other Facebook group hosts are doing as opposed to actually creating content.
Meanwhile, your friend over there is just using their camera phone to record a quick message each day, posts it in their Facebook group, and starts to grow their audience while you’re still deciding whether or not you should have a backdrop!
When you focus on taking “the perfect” action, it halts your growth and you start to feel stuck and frustrated.
If you are in that situation right now, I want to offer you something that is going to get you un-stuck and propel you forward.
Ready? Here it is…
You are here to serve.
At this very minute, there is somebody out there who NEEDS your message.
They don’t care about how perfect you are, they just need your help.
Someone out there is SUFFERING. They don’t care if your graphics look perfect, they don’t care if you’re having a bad hair day on Facebook Live…
They’re in PAIN and YOU are the one who has something that can help them.
When you focus on serving others, it forces you to step outside of your own insecurities and get to work.
If you are in the business of serving others, you may find yourself struggling with a little thing called The Impostor Syndrome.
When you find yourself thinking things like…
“What if my help isn’t good enough?”
“What if my advice doesn’t work for them?”
“What if someone else knows more than me?”
…you are 100% suffering from The Impostor Syndrome.
Just because you are worrying about something, DOESN’T make it true.
We ALL have those thoughts creep in from time to time.
I can tell you that some of my students are being invited to speak on the biggest stages in the country, and they STILL suffer from thoughts like these.
The truth is, you are enough.
This may sound kind of weird, but I want you to write, “I am enough.” on a post-it note, stick it on your desk, and say it throughout the day.
It works!