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TRANSCRIPT: #126: 3 Simple Content Ideas to Sell Your Course Every Day

Can you imagine what it would feel like to sell multiple copies of your online course day after day – without EVER having to launch again? Selling your course every day isn’t rocket science – but, it sure can feel that way…especially if you’ve never done it before. So, today I’m sharing 3 simple types of content you can use to sell your course every day – no launching required. If consistent sales on repeat is something that’s been on your vision board for awhile, then make sure to listen to today’s episode all the way through because I think…...

TRANSCRIPT: #119: 3 Things I Quit Doing to Make $11m+ Selling My Course

Most people think that in order to make more, you need to DO more – and there is some truth to that. After all, that’s how we get better at doing something – more practice means more mistakes, more failures, more lessons learned, and more wisdom earned. But, making more mistakes and having more failures (sometimes publicly) isn’t exactly a walk in the park. It’s awkward, embarrassing, and if we’re not carefully letting go of beliefs, expectations, fears, and desires along the way – we end up making things much harder than they need to be. So, today I’m talking…...