How many times have you…
…looked at something
…planned to do something
…wished to achieve something
But thought to yourself, “I’m NOT ready”?
You can’t stop thinking about it – wishing, hoping, praying for it to happen, but you don’t muster up the courage to take action either.
Days, weeks, months…even years pass you by as you stand on the ledge of anything that’s unfamiliar.
I get it!
It’s human nature to NOT be ready for the unknown.
Unknown means…
But today, I want you to take a moment and watch this video.
Because it’s time you look at things with a different lens.
It’s time you ask yourself WHY you are not ready.
And it’s time you figure out what “ready” actually looks like to you.
As not being ready?
It’s keeping you from taking your life and business to the next level.
And it’s holding you back from fully stepping into your greatness.
You have a choice to make.
The sooner you make it, the better.
This may help you make the right choice.
Caitlin Bacher | Creator of Scale with Success®
Today’s blog post is brought to you by Scale with Success® — a group coaching experience designed to help you generate scalable and predictable revenue month after month. If you want to learn MORE about our proven method for success, click here to watch my free masterclass. See you in there!