Episode Summary
Let’s get real for a moment.
As entrepreneurs and course creators, we tend to be goal-oriented people – which is great and beneficial to our success, right?
Well, it is… until you find yourself in a place where you’re becoming a bit too obsessed with achieving your goals.
This was exactly what happened to me and the very reason that today’s podcast episode is all about How to Reframe Your Relationship With Goals In Your Business.
I’ve always been a goal-oriented person but I didn’t realize how much it had started to become an unhealthy obsession.
I’d purposely seek out books, coaches, and social media accounts that reinforced my beliefs and anytime I read something that suggested otherwise… I was immediately tuning it out.
In one ear and out the other. 🤣
But over the last year in particular I’ve made an intentional shift in my relationship with goals and have started to detangle my self-worth from whether or not I achieve them.
This has made me so much happier, and the funny thing is: I’m reaching MORE of my goals now. 🔥
Today I’m sharing three key beliefs that will allow you to transform your relationship with goals so that you can grow your business with more ease, more profit, and way less overwhelm.
Tune in for the full episode!
Today’s episode is brought to you by Scale With Success® Accelerator — an online course designed to help you generate launch-sized revenue without lanching. If you want to learn MORE about our proven method for success, click here to watch my free masterclass. See you in there!
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